Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Ok, so far I've seen this guy driving 275 KMH (that would be about 172 MPH) on the Autobahn and White Shark Cage diving in Cape Town, South Africa:

"My name is Jon Rawlinson, I was born and raised in Canada. I'm a producer, videographer, editor, photographer and designer. I'm currently travelling the world and the RAD blog is all about my travels! Follow me around the world! I'll be updating the rad blog almost everyday with my location, my photos and my videos!"

previously in:

* Victoria Falls, Zambia
* Kasane, Botswana
* Johannesburg, South Africa
* Dubai, United Arab Emirates
* Prague, Czech Republic
* Paris, France
* Berlin, Germany
* Zermatt, Switzerland
* Lugano, Switzerland
* Venice, Italy
* Florence, Italy
* Rome, Italy
* Santorini, Greece
* Mykonos, Greece
* Olympos, Turkey
* Istanbul, Turkey
* Brasov, Romania
* Bucharest, Romania
* Milan airport
* Sliema, Malta
* Lisbon, Portugal
* Sahara, Morocco
* Tangier, Morocco
* Fes, Morocco
* Tarifa, Spain
* Barcelona, Spain
* Mallorca, Spain
* Madrid, Spain
* London, U.K.
* Heathrow airport, U.K.
* Toronto, Ontario
* Thousand Islands, Ontario
* Scottsdale, Arizona
* Vancouver, B.C.

the RAD blog

And I'm... uh... I'm blogging about his blog!!!

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