Leif Garrett arrested in L.A. - Jan 18, 2006 - 1970s teen idol suspected of carrying narcotics
Garrett, 44, was arrested by sheriff's deputies Saturday on the platform of the Pershing Square Red Line station when he didn't have a ticket, authorities said. Deputies found suspected narcotics during a search, officials said.
If one tries to follow the sequence of events:
1) Leif didn't have subway ticket
2) Leif decided to try to get on the subway anyway
3) Leif got caught...
4) ...while carrying narcotics
brilliant Leif, just brilliant

Leif Garrett gets arrested, discovers LA subway system || Jaunted: "The most shocking travel related item in this story is that he was arrested at Pershing Square station in downtown LA. Raise your hand if you knew there was an operable LA subway system. Thought so. This Lief guy must be a decendant of Icelandic explorer Lief Erickson--leading westward expeditions and exploring unchartered territory, like Pershing Square station. We bet Pershing is such a ghost town homeless people don't even hang out there--Lief must have been really down on his luck."
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