Friday, November 18, 2005

Envisat Fishes Up Facts Behind Chilean Giant Squid Invasion

The headline is a bit of a misnomer. These are not GIANT SQUID (Architeuthis), these are JUMBO FLYING SQUID (Dosidicus gigas). Everyone knows that, right? However, what a headline if GIANT SQUID really did invade Chile! Make a great B-MOVIE...

Envisat Fishes Up Facts Behind Chilean Giant Squid Invasion
Masses of large ocean-going squid have inundated the shores of Southern Chile, alarming local fishermen who fear these carnivorous invaders could threaten fish stocks. Envisat has helped account for their otherwise mysterious arrival.

These jumbo flying squid – Dosidicus gigas is their Latin name – are some of the largest known squids on the planet: the ones here measure between 70 to 150 centimetres in length, although specimens have been known to reach more than three metres. Making their home in the open ocean, they rise to the surface at night to aggressively feed on small fish using barbed suckers.

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