My brother-in-law who hadn't seen me in a while described my beard as looking a bit Amish (hadn't thought of that one), so here you go:

my new look! (almost looks like me)
"I go to Indianapolis every year, to see the the Indy 500. I go there with friends to drive and race. Every year when they go there to qualify, they usually have to go as fast as they possibly can to get a front row position. They put nitro in their cars sometimes instead of the fuel that's intended to be in the cars, so that the cars will go faster. And they do, for 5 or 10 laps... then they blow all to Hell." - Evel Knievel
I think it has to do with the lack of coverage on that there upper lip, Amish Boy. Get some there and you'll have the tough guy look, if you want it. :)
Facial Hair Styles - Moustaches & Beards (GREAT diagrams)
i like the hat
just need a Curtain Beard then to complete the new Sexy Jack look
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