Tuesday, July 26, 2005

driving down the sun
smell the fumes on the blacktop
to run myself into the pavement
or keep it on the road another hour

to mark a circle in space
this is where i am at
but who am i?
and what time is it?
skipping breakfast running late
drinking from a karma storage device
10 minutes of superstring theory
surrealist compliment generator
to short-circuit all logic
and find her in many realms
hiking between the nothingness

to have a mill to grind
the circle like a tesla coil
to read the electrical arc of her mind
699 steps between the clouds + the earth
displaced heated + ionized
jacob's ladder climbing spark gap
she is at the end + the beginning
the first few seconds before a switch is thrown
my questions are like answers
699 steps again + again + again

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