NME's 25 Bands Making America Cool Again - Stereogum
actually i'm canadian, buddy.
Posted by: victor
Score = 0

fuck the lot of you - the nme is a bible and rocks in comparison to pitchfork a.k.a Black kids killers- as an English person living in America - you should be happy someone is giving your country a compliment.... oh and in the light of the recent economic nightmare that the usa are having right now....you yanks probably could not even afford to buy the NME..so sod off.
Score = -22

left out brand new and thrice, 2 best bands in america by far. oh but i guess theyr'e not "indie" enough for the NME.
actually it's because they suck
Posted by: eric in reply to spencer's comment at 08/01/08 10:02 PM | ReplyScore = 5

Hey guys, I know you're having fun arguing and all that, but I just wanted to remind you:
Generalizations are fucking stupid.
Thanks, UK. I feel better.
Posted by: Ruth at 08/01/08 9:19 PM | ReplyScore = 2

from number 12 down it's a great list of bands. but last time i checked England wasn't really the pinnacle of cool. north american bands own english bands.
Score = 0