New Orleans Heritage Hall Jazz Band
[GNP 512]
It's The Real Thing
Louis Cottrell's Heritage Hall Jazz Band is the real thing. A direct link to the traditional music of New Orleans; The Shout Heard 'Round The World. It's a style which still flavors much of the contemporary music of today. When you hear a shuffle-beat in a current hit, you're listening to the direct offspring of the New Orleans parade style. A beat, one might hasten to add, which is essentially a modified four; not the two-beat of contemporary Dixieland music.
There is no band in existence today, I believe, which is closer to the real New Orleans sound. And that's understandable, since many of the band's members form a direct link to the very beginnings of New Orleans jazz. And there is some superb musicianship involved; especially noticeable in their tightly compatible ensemble work. There is a group sound in all of their work which is smooth, easy and infinitely tasty... You can listen to this record all day long and never become tired or irritated. It has that good feeling that can make your whole day brighter. [from liner notes by Paul Lentz, New Orleans Times-Picayune]
GNP Crescendo Records
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